Youth Sundays
For over four decades, the pastors of FBCNB have empowered the Youth Ministry to lead all aspects of the Worship services on the 5th Sundays of the year. We have been blessed with powerful testimonies and uplifting services.

Bible Study for Youths
FBCNB engages children and youth between the ages of two (2) and eighteen (18) in the interactive study of God’s Word through Young L.I.F.E., which stands for Love, Insight, Family and Empowerment. This Worship experience was designed by Pastor Kay, and a council of youths, to be a fun, relaxed and informative session that takes place at the same time as our regular worship service, but in another, secure location of our building. Young L.I.F.E. sessions are every second and fourth Sunday from September to the end of May.

Outreach Service Projects
In August, the Youth Ministry leads the collection of supplies, backpacks AND funds to support students-in-need at Thomas Stone Elementary School. Last year, over 350 backpacks packed with supplies are donated.
Through the Pluck-Feather campaign in November, the Youth Ministry leads the collection of funds, coordination, packing and delivery of Turkey Baskets to over one hundred families every Thanksgiving.
Youth Fellowships
Between January and October, the Youth Ministry unites for fun, games, food, trips and conversation on a variety of topics. Examples of the activities include the All-night, Youth Lock-in; the Kings Dominion trip; the Graduation Cookout/Pool Party and more.