FBCNB History from 1905 to the Present

The First Baptist Church, Inc., of North Brentwood has been serving the community for over 115 years, during which there have been only six pastors. The one consistent theme throughout its history is “We are a family under God.” Below is a brief synopsis of the evolution of the church during the tenure of these six pastors.
Reverend James Jasper (Visionary and Founder) 1905-1935
The First Baptist Church of North Brentwood was founded under the vision of Rev James Jasper. In 1905, the church was launched on a vacant lot donated by W.A. Bartlett, located in the first Black township in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
Rev. Jasper was joined by 19 others to launch the church in 1906 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. In 1907, they moved into a one story building and conducted Worship until a fire destroyed the building. Unfortunately, Rev. Jasper had to enter a re-building program. Rev. Jasper began to add people to his leadership team by making Rev. Ruben Hall his associate pastor. Rev. Jasper continued his leadership until his health began to fail; he then passed the leadership baton to Rev. Ruben Hall.
Reverend Ruben Hall (1936)
Rev. Ruben Hall served the shortest term of all of our pastors. He was the interim pastor that held our church together between Rev. Jasper and Rev. Brooks. He was trained and mentored by Rev. Jasper and he shepherded our church for less than one year.
Reverend Burnett Brooks (1936-1942)
The third pastor of FBCNB was Rev. Burnett Brooks. Although his tenure as pastor was brief, his leadership was described as imaginative, specifically within the youth ministry.
Reverend James D. Pair (1942-1957)
Rev. Pair was the fourth and oldest pastor of FBCNB. He began his tenure at the age of seventy and pastored for fifteen years. He was also a visionary leader. Even though he was old in age, he invested lots of resources into the church’s youth.
He organized the first youth choir, and encouraged young people to participate in Sunday school and the Junior Deacon Board. He stabilized the infrastructure of the church by strengthening the areas of financial stewardship and discipleship. Rev Pair invested heavily in the Music Ministry and he appointed the first deaconess in the church. In 1957, he retired at the age of 85 and was elected as the first Pastor Emeritus in 1958.
Reverend Dr. Perry A. Smith III (1958-2010)
The pastor with the longest tenure at FBCNB is Rev. Smith, who served for more than 52 years. He was recommended by Rev. Pair, and began his pastorate on May 25, 1958.
Under Rev. Smith’s leadership, the church continued to grow as he expanded the pastoral staff and stressed educational growth for all members He also added three female pastors to the church staff while broadened the Youth Ministry. He directed the building and remodeling of the old church and spearheaded the construction of the church structure that was dedicated in 2005. Lastly, he served as a community activist and promoted economic empowerment within the church
Though he retired in 2010, Rev. Smith continued to be an active member in the community and the church, until his health no longer permitted. Rev. Smith, transitioned on April 16, 2021.
Reverend Dr. Duane T. Kay (2010-Present)
Reverend Dr. Duane T. Kay, a native of Spotsylvania, Virginia, became the Senior Pastor in October 2010. He is the sixth pastor in the church’s 118 -year history. He received his B.A. degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master of Divinity degree from Virginia Union University. Dr. Kay earned the Doctor of Ministry degree, in May 2011, at the Wesley Theological Seminary, with a concentration in Missional Evangelism. His thesis, “Speaking Truth to Power: The Practice of Advocacy,” addressed the church’s historic and current roles in prophetically confronting oppressive policies and practices that shackle (marginalized) communities. He is also a 2024 graduate of Mitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, where he earned his Juris Doctor degree.
During his tenure, he has accomplished the following:
led a group of servant volunteers on a successful mission-focused trip to Haiti
co-led the building completion of the Mission of Grace School in Carries, Haiti
spearheaded a clean water project in Liberia
revitalized the Saturday Church School with innovative programming and input from youth
established our annual Missions Blitz day of community service, engaging hundreds of volunteers each year in lending a hand, spreading love, and showing Christ at community organizations and schools in the Washington metropolitan area.
Under Pastor Kay’s guidance, The First Baptist Church, Inc. has also partnered with community leaders to alleviate hunger by distributing canned goods, dry foods and/or produce weekly to hundreds of families representing 11 area towns, and has hosted hundreds of area families for food, fun and fellowship during our signature fall outreach event, Trunk or Treat.
He has expanded the pastoral staff by licensing and ordaining one female and licensing four additional ministers-two females and two males, one of which is his older son.
First Baptist Church, Inc. (FBCNB) was founded in October 1906 under the leadership of Rev. James L. Jasper.
Rev. Jasper, when visiting some friends in the town, discovered the community was without a church. He and his friends began working together in August 1905, toward the establishment of what is known as the First Baptist Church, Inc. Services were initially held on property that had been donated for a church site and in the homes of friends. In October 1906, a recognition service was held and First Baptist was now a “dream come true.”
FBCNB has been housed in three different buildings. The first building, erected in 1908, was destroyed by fire in 1910. The second building, completed in 1912, was occupied until 1966, when it was razed to make way for the third building. Due to unforeseen delays, however, the third building was not complete until 1970. During the period of 1966-1970, services were held in the North Brentwood Elementary School which stood where the Community center tennis courts are presently located.
The church was housed at 4009 Wallace Road and underwent a renovation in 1987. During the renovations from 1986-1987, services were held in the North Brentwood Community Center. To finance the renovation, the church entered into a 25-year mortgage agreement. On April 3, 1991, we were blessed to retire that mortgage after only three and one-half years, saving nearly $900,000 in interest.
In addition to the Church building and its grounds, First Baptist owns additional properties in the community. We also own a 93-car parking lot.