We encourage disciples to engage in good ‘stewardship’ of gifts
and talents through service to God in our many ministries

There are many spiritual gifts, but they all come from the same lord; no one gift is greater than the other, and they are all to be used for common good. The spiritual gifts that are listed with the ministries are key in executing the tasks of the ministry; however, others may apply. So, feel free to contact the Church Office for more information about each of the Ministries.
Let us bless one another by sharing our gifts in obedience to the Lord.
Encourages discipleship through various Bible classes and activities for men, women, young adults, youths, and children.
Utilizes the art of dance and movement to exalt the name of the Lord, while enriching the souls of the congregation. Men, women and children are welcome.
Uses theatrical arts (script writing, acting, directing, and set and costume design) to bring the teaching of Christ to life.
Prepares our young people for advanced education and fruitful work by facilitating our scholarship program and more.
Glorifies God by serving members of the congregation and the community with health education and assistance during worship services.
Brings joy to needy families by distributing gifts provided by the FBCNB family during the Christmas holidays.
Ensures that Worship services flow in decency and order, and helps all who enter the sanctuary to feel welcome.
Supports engaged and married couples by coordinating events that foster love, communication, fellowship and spiritual growth.
Educates mature adults (ages 60 +) on topics, such as health and safety; promotes physical and emotional socialization, and provides social services to help other seniors.
Captures, produces, distributes and promotes the Gospel preached at FBCNB during the various Worship experiences and through the different ministry activities. Our goal is to educate, encourage and empower the congregation and community to engage in a growing, relationship with Jesus Christ.
**Includes the (Audio/Visual, Lighting, Marketing, Photography, Social Media, Sound, Titles and Graphics and Web teams.)
Helps to create a better environment for others, create healthier communities, spread love and show Christ through service.
Teaches God’s Word through music sung by persons in the children’s, youth, or adult choirs. The Music Ministry aims to glorify God and promote an atmosphere of worship, praise, adoration and meditation.
Captures the essence of corporate Worship and fellowship in quality photographic images displayed electronically and in print. *No camera necessary.
Coordinates, executes, and oversees social and outreach activities that engage the church family and the community.
Educates others about God’s plan for financial success through workshops and consultation.
Creates a framework of vital relationships among our men that will intentionally reconcile them to God, their families, and one another.
Creates a framework of vital relationships among our women to seek God, find purpose, share love and serve one another.
Provides prayer, support and resources on professional services to those who are experience grief because of the death of a loved one.
Promotes spiritual development through Bible study, worship and fellowship for children and youth ages two through 18 on the second and fourth Sundays of each month from September through June. This takes place in another secure location of our building during Sunday worship services at 9:45 AM.
Serves children and youths ages two through 18 years of age by engaging them in Young L.I.F.E.(our Christian education program for youths) PLUS the youth choir, fellowship activities and volunteer outreach to the glory of God.
For information on how to join a ministry, please contact the church office or fill out the following form, make your desire ministry known, and a message will be given to the head of that ministry. They will contact you shortly thereafter.